Narrative Text - Materi Bahasa Inggris beserta Contoh Narrative Text

            Hai para pengunjung blog ini, kali ini saya akan menulis tentang jenis teks dalam bahasa inggris, materi ini berguna untuk kalian yang duduk di bangku SD, SMP, SMA, dan juga bagi calon mahasiswa yang hendak mengikuti UTBK, bahkan umum! Disimak yaa 

1. Narrative Text

pengertian : narrative text atau teks narasi adalah suatu teks yang menceritakan suatu kisah atau kejadian berdasarkan alur kronologis.

fungsi :  menghibur pembaca/ to entertain or amuse readers.

generic structure : 
- orientation : bagian yang berisi pengenalan tokoh, latar (tempat, waktu, dll). bagian ini selalu berada di awal.
- complication : bagian ini berisi konflik/permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam cerita tersebut.
- resolution : bagian yang berisi penyelesaian konflik (solusi terhadap masalah)
- coda : kesimpulan dari isi teks

unsur kebahasaan : 
Noun (Kata Benda) digunakan untuk salah satu kata ganti orang, hewan, atau benda dalam cerita. Contohnya yaitu : stepmother, the dwarfs, carriage, dan lain-lain.
Past Tense (Kata Kerja Lampau) dalam narative text ini menggunakan kata kerja lampau (verb 2). Contohnya yakni : knew, got, gave, dan lain-lain.
Time Connective ialah salah satu kata penghubung waktu guna mengurutkan sebuah kejadian. Contohnya ialah : after, after that, before, dan lain-lain.
Action Verbs merupakan sebuah kata kerja yang menunjukan berbagai peristiwa atau kegiatan. Contohnya yakni : stayed, climbed, wrote, dan lain-lain.
Saying and Thinking Verb merupakan salah satu kata kerja yang menunjukan sebuah pelaporan atau ujaran. Contohnya yakni : said, told, thought, dan lain sebagainya.

berikut adalah beberapa contoh narrative text :

Buggy Races

Once upon a time there lived two best friends, the hare and the tortoise. They liked to race against each other, but the hare always won.

One day, the hare asked the tortoise to race down to the beach. The tortoise refused, he said that he will lose anyway. The hare replied in a kind voice that he felt sorry about it. 

But the next day, the hare found a way to race the tortoise that would be fair and lots of fun too. He asked the tortoise to come with him. The tortoise was slowly plodding over the sand hill towards the beach. Now the two friends can race against each other all day and something tells me that the tortoise might win this time.

Brodin Goes Shopping

One day, Brodin went to town to buy new clothes. First he tried on a pair of trousers. He didn't like the trousers, so he gave them back to the shopkeeper. Then he tried a robe which had the same price as the trousers. Brodin was pleased with the robe, and he left the shop. Before he climbed on his donkey to ride home, the shopkeeper and the shop-assistant ran out.

"You didn't pay for the robe!" said the shopkeeper.
"But I gave you the trousers in exchange for the robe, didn't I?" replied Brodin.
"Yes, but you didn't pay for the trousers, either!" said the shopkeeper.
"But I didn't buy the trousers," replied Brodin. "I am not so stupid as to pay for something which I never bought."

Timun Mas

One night, while they were praying, Buto Ijo a giant with supranatural powers passed their house. He heard they pray. "Don't worry farmers. I can give you a child. But you have to give me that child when she is 17 years old," said Buto Ijo. The farmers were so happy. They did not think about the risk of losing their child letter and agree to take the offer. Later, Buto Ijo gave them a bunch of cucumber seeds. The farmers planted them carefully. Then the seeds changed into plants. No longer after that, a big golden cucumber grew from plants. After it had ripe, the farmers picked and cut it. They were very surprised to see beautiful girl inside the cucumber. They named her Timun Mas or Golden Cucumber. Years passed by and Timun Mas has changed into a beautiful girl. On her 17th birthday, Timun Mas was very happy.

However, the parents were very sad. They knew they had to keep their promise to Buto Ijo the giant but they also did not want to lose their beloved daughter. "My daughter, take this bag. It can save you from the giant," said father. "What do you mean, Father? I don't understand," said Timun Mas.

After that, Buto Ijo came into their house. "Run Timun Mas. Save your life!", said her mother. Buto ijo was angry. He knew the farmers wanted to break their promise. He chased Timun Mas away. Buto Ijo was getting closer and closer. Timun Mas then opened the bag and threw a handful of salt. It became sea. Buto Ijo had to swim to cross the sea. Later, Timun Mas threw some chilly. It became a jungle with trees. The trees had sharp thorns so they hurt Buto Ijo. However, he was still able to chase Timun Mas. Timun Mas took her third magic stuff. It was cucumber seeds. She threw them and became cucumber field. But Buto Ijo still could escape from the field. Then it was the last magic stuff she had in the bag. It was a shrimp paste or terasi. She threw it and became a big swamp. Buto Ijo was still trying to swim the swamp but he was very tired. Then he was drowning and died.

Timun Mas then immediately went home. The farmers were so happy that they finally together again.

The Tiger and the Hare

A tiger named Blind Fury became the king of a forest. He made a law that every day an animal should appease his hunger by falling prey to him. At this rate, in the course of a few months, a great number of animals had been eaten up; the beast that remained held council.

A hare among them, named Tiny Trick, observed, "I have a stratagem whereby I can get rid of Blind Fury, if you would let me take my chance with him tomorrow."

They agreed. The usual breakfast hour for Blind Fury was nine; but Tiny Trick trudged on and came to him at twelve.

"Hullo! You impudent little wretch! What has kept you so long from presenting yourself?" said Blind Fury.

"May it please Your Majesty," said Tiny Trick, "in a well by the road I have travelled there is another king like you majesty. He said I should not go without appeasing his hunger. It was with difficulty I could obtain his permission to see your majesty for a moment and return."

"Lead the way to the well," said Blind Fury.
"Yes, Your Majesty," said Tiny Trick.

When Blind Fury came to the well, he found his own shadow reflected in it and thinking that it was a rival tiger, leapt into it and drowned. The beasts of the forest praised Tiny Trick as the savior of their state.

It does happen that little folks do great things for the good of the public.

sumber :

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